We care for the world
Corporate Social Responsibility
Is a pillar of Redspher's identity and all members are strongly encouraged to commit to the UN Global Compact objectives: enforce Human rights and Labour rights, protect the environment and fight corruption.
As a results, we are pleased to show you the first awards that platform members have received based on their commitment towards a more sustainable future. This is only the beginning as we are working on new ambitious projects.
Our awards and certifications
Is a pillar of Redspher's identity and all members are strongly encouraged to commit to the UN Global Compact objectives: enforce Human rights and Labour rights, protect the environment and fight corruption.
As a results, we are pleased to show you the first awards that platform members have received based on their commitment towards a more sustainable future. This is only the beginning as we are working on new ambitious projects.
ISO 14001:2015
Redspher has implemented an Environmental Management System which incorporates the requirements of ISO 14001:2015 standard.
The goal of Redspher’s Environmental Management System is to be able at any time to comply with the requirements of customers and interested parties as well as with all relevant legislation and regulations. Redspher’s Environmental Management System has been designed to be simple, pragmatic and innovative, both in terms of solutions designed to reduce environmental impacts and in the way of involving teams. Redspher’s Environmental Management System covers in particular the operations of the sites of Lille (France) and Maastricht (The Netherlands) that are ISO 14001:2015 certified.

Since its founding in 2007, EcoVadis has grown to become the world’s largest and most trusted provider of business sustainability ratings, creating a global network of more than 75,000 rated companies.
Redspher has been awarded in 2023 a Gold Medal in recognition of its sustainability achievements.
Lean & Green
Redspher has been awarded the 2nd and 3rd stars of the Lean&Green program in 2020.
The 3rd Star has been granted for having reduced CO2 emissions linked to the road transports organized by the Group by 20% between 2017 and 2019. These results have been audited and validated by an independent audit firm.

Our commitment to the UN Global Compact
United Nations Global Compact
UN Global Compact is the world’s largest corporate sustainability initiative.
It’s a call to companies to align strategies and operations with universal principles on human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption, and take actions that advance societal goals. Since 2016, Redspher supports the 10 principles of UN Global Compact. Redspher’s last Communication on Progress is available here. The Group invites other companies, especially its business partners to join this great program to work together towards a more sustainable future.
Our codes of conduct
Redspher Employee Code of Conduct
Redspher Employee Code of Conduct defines the Group’s commitments in terms of ethics and business practices. Redspher is committed to take into consideration its environmental impact on the planet, its social responsibility and its governance methods into the daily management of its activities. Our Code of Conduct reflects these engagements and we ask each member of our Group, whatever its status and role, to fully adhere to it and constantly refer to it.
Redspher Supplier Code of Conduct
Redspher Supplier Code of Conduct aims to promote responsible behaviour on the part of the Group’s suppliers and their employees. Our Supplier Code of Conduct formalizes a set of guidelines to define the minimum standard to be adhered to by each supplier who wants to work with the Group.